Monday, November 16, 2009

Illustration Friday: Unbalanced

This one's confusing if you don't know who Bill O'Reilly is. It's also confusing if you do know who Bill O'Reilly is but can't tell who this is (I don't think I'd be able to, now that I'm looking at it). And if you don't see that this is for the topic of "unbalanced" you might think I'm some right-wing guy glorifying Bill O'Reilly. And if you do see that the topic is "unbalanced" you might think I'm some left-wing guy accusing him (and perhaps by extension Fox News) of being not entirely "fair and balanced."

That last one is closest to the truth, but in fact, I don't actually spend much time thinking about Bill O'Reilly. Really, I was thinking of people who are psychologically unbalanced, and his was the first face that popped into my mind--go figure!


gatheringwonder said...

well done - I think you got it right on

Coreopsis said...

...or, you just might think that it's a good portrait (which I do)!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! Perfect for so many reasons!

Shirley said...

I think it works perfectly - concept and execution. I saw that it was Bill straightaway. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Your illustration is great. Bravo for picking such a great subject too! Thank heavens for news people like Bill who get to the real facts.